Take the Jump is bringing its uniquely positive, joyful take on climate action to young people, following the launch of its schools engagement programme

The programme is packed with resources for games, assemblies, workshops and projects, adapted for all ages from 6 to 18, and delivered in classrooms by trained, DBS-checked TTJ team members and volunteer Ambassadors.

Activities are focused around Take the Jump’s Six Shifts - the everyday changes science says need to be second nature by 2030, and which include eating more plant-based food, opting for flight-free breaks and cutting back the number of new fashion items we buy each year.

For example, a recent young people’s workshop saw children create imaginary plant-based menus for Eleven Madison Park, New York’s Michelin-starred restaurant which has recently gone vegan. They also loved putting their style savvy to the test, seeing if they could tell the difference between new and pre-loved pieces on a school ‘catwalk’ (hard!).

Take the Jump also provide practical support to schools on cutting their impact through carpool schemes, plant-based catering, pre-loved uniform sales and more.

“We know young people are wrestling with climate anxiety,” says Diana Thornton from Take the Jump. “It’s no surprise they feel powerless and confused - the climate is clearly in trouble, but society seems bogged down in confusion, fear and misinformation.

“Our message to them is: here’s an opportunity to find out what you could do, based on trying six science-based shifts  that we know work. These changes are powerful - by giving them a go, you really will be protecting nature and other people. 

“At the same time, there’s a lot of  joy to be had along the way. Each of our six shifts brings extra benefits, such as physical and mental wellbeing, more creative fun and a stronger connection to your community.”

Take the Jump’s schools’ programme brings young people into climate action without any shaming or judgement. Instead the ethos is inclusive, welcoming and fun, breaking away from climate guilt and pressure. 

Denzil Brown, year 3 teacher and lead for the school eco-committee, Danes Hill School, Oxshott, Surrey, said:

“I think that Take The Jump’s youth ambassador project is a fantastic idea. As a teacher, I am constantly amazed at the level of understanding and passion the students at our school have for environmental issues. This project gives them an opportunity to take their passion further whilst helping their local community.

“I personally love the idea of the six shifts as it condenses what can be quite an overwhelming subject into something that seems manageable and achievable through working together.” 

Back to Diana: “The transformative potential of Take the Jump’s approach is already getting results via partnerships and projects all over the UK and internationally,.

“So we’re thrilled that young people now have a chance to get involved. Their thirst for change is unmistakable, and we can’t wait to see what their energy will unlock’”

To give the last word to one of the pupils who took part in a recent event: ‘Don’t just sit down. Take the Jump!’

Find the full range of resources here: 

Further high-quality images and quotes available on request.




Take the jump at copPermill PRIMARY school