This page contains content for teachers, parents, ambassadors, community members on how to engage and support young people. We are working on separate content for use by young people themselves, coming soon.
Yes young people are our future, but many feel they’ve had that future taken from them. ‘The grown ups ruined my future and they don’t care’ as one school child told us. Climate anxiety a big thing, whether children, teenagers or young adults. This must end.
A bright future of less stuff more joy is there for the taking, and young people are not powerless in making it happen!
Youth ambassador training - Short training sessions for enthusiastic green leaders of tomorrow (13-17yrs)! Adapted from our very successful adult version after popular demand! (Coming early Feb 2024, email team@takethejump.org to express interest)
Children’s games and workshop guide - A list of games we can play with youngsters to inspire and inform.
Talking to our own children about change - Difficult conversations made easy! (coming 31st Jan 2024)
Take the Jump regularly runs sessions, assemblies and more with schools. If you would like Take the Jump to come to your school, just contact us at team@takethejump.org.
Guide to engaging young people
Pupil activation plan - How Take the Jump approaches engaging young people in an education setting, including age appropriate outcomes and impacts.
Or if you’re a teacher, parent or community member and would like to deliver a session at a school, below are some materials. Please do get in contact with us to undertake some communication training before you do though! We also run training for teachers (any teacher, but especially PSHE, geography and arts teachers).
Ages 6-7 (Key Stage 1, Year/Grades 1-2)
Focusing on our connection with nature, covering age appropriate versions of Eat Green and Travel Fresh, planting seeds for the future.
Assembly guide - 20min fun introduction session for larger groups
Projects guide - 1-6 week project ideas for pupils (coming Feb 2024)
Ages 8-11 (Key Stage 2, Year/Grades 3-6)
Focusing on humanity and our impact on nature, our capacity to help keep nature healthy and have a joyous time while we do it, and covering age appropriate versions of Eat Green, Dress Retro, and Travel Fresh
Assembly guide - 20min fun introduction session for large groups
Class / Workshop guide - 60min interactive session for one class
Projects guide - 1-6 week project ideas for pupils (coming Feb 2024)
Ages 12-14 (Key Stage 3, Year/Grades 7-9)
Focusing on emerging agency as mature, be part of family conversations and make own consumption decisions, and covering age appropriate versions of Eat Green, Dress Retro, Travel Fresh and End Clutter
Assembly guide - 20min fun introduction session for large groups
Class / Workshop guide - 60min interactive session for one class
Projects guide - 1-6 week project ideas for pupils (coming Feb 2024)
Ages 15-16 (Key Stage 4, Year/Grades 10-11)
Focusing on the power we have in our lives and places, how we can feel positive and joyful about our future, covering all six shifts:
Assembly guide - 30min fun introduction session for large groups
Class / Workshop guide - 60min interactive session for one class
Ages 17-18 (Key Stage 5, Year/Grades 12-13)
The same content as any adult Taking the Jump, focusing on all six shifts.
Class / Workshop guide - 60min interactive session for one class.
There are fun, silly, uplifting regular in-person and online events for young people taking place across the Take the Jump community.
If you’d like to know when the next one is, email team@takethejump.org or check out the Hub (below) for more information.
If you’d like Take the Jump to join your event, festival or community to deliver a session for young people, use the same email :)
Meet people online: JOIN THE ‘HUB’
Why not join the Take the Jump HUB, our new online community space where people can connect, share and inspire each other. Here you can connect with hundreds of people around the world who are taking the jump.
In the HUB we have a forum for each of the shifts where you can ask questions, post ideas, and keep up to date on all the things going on. Sign up here.