Climate Emergency centres & take the jump

Take the Jump is delighted to be joining the Climate Emergency Centre Network for a workshop this Wednesday at 7pm GMT. 

Take the Jump and the CEC's have been working together for over a year and have had lots of wonderful collaborations, in Islington, Taunton, Godalming, Guildford and Wandsworth. 

These two organisations are very well aligned, with CEC bringing communities together to create spaces for local people to connect, share, act, and provide a hub for local climate activity.  Take the Jump offers a range of tools, guidance, resources, events and support for local groups in framing and developing action, communicating with the wider community, and connecting with others around the UK and beyond. 

A match made in heaven!

Come and join this session to find out more about how Take the Jump can support local groups to have a joyous impact, or to find out what CEC's are all about, and connect with this incredible network. 

Here's the meeting link:

Meeting ID: 845 8595 9527 Passcode: 937421 Network it share repost

See you there, and watch this space for more news on how these two organisations are collaborating to bring about a future of less stuff more joy!

The Take the Jump team



Take the jump at copPermill PRIMARY school
