change is on the cards

Inspirational climate movement Take the Jump has launched a beautifully-designed tarot deck to help people navigate their climate journey. Free to download and use, the cards distil key climate shifts into symbols that are poetic, memorable and visually eye-catching. 

Theatre director and performer Simone French, who helped create the deck, explains why Take the Jump has taken this unique approach to climate action.

“We wanted to explore the power of intimate, one-to-one conversations around climate action and engagement,” she says. “A playful, theatrical tarot reading provides a way to explore where people are, where their unique barriers and motivations lie, and also to learn from their journey so far.”

Simone, with her team Louise Orwin and illustrator Dan Cooper, created the deck by exploring the archetypes of traditional Tarot. They re-imagined the deck based on points of connection with Take the Jump’s Six Shifts programme (six key behaviours that help us step into our power and act impactfully on climate). 

Each card taps not just into practical action but into the inner transformation and renewal we need to face this crisis together. 

For example, the Borrower inspires us not just to borrow instead of buy, but also to have the courage to ask more of our neighbours, building reciprocity and trust.

The Intrepid Explorer tells a story not just of adventure along Britain’s coastlines, but of the courage and freedom that comes from going your own way.

“The beauty of this Tarot deck is that we can engage people in a way that works for them,” Simone continues. “I’ve done readings for people who want a practical roadmap with lots of ideas for actions they can take. Others respond to the magic of inner development and growth that the Shifts offer. 

“The intimacy of the one-to-one conversation, through the Tarot, means we can meet people on their own terms and create a sense of possibility that’s tailored to them.”

Simone says people often feel uplifted and optimistic after their reading, which is exactly the vibe that Take the Jump wants to share. In fact, the climate action tarot is just one example of Take the Jump’s unique and unexpected approach to climate action, which puts the focus on play, fun, creativity and joyful connection - through parties, cabaret, interactive events, and community theatre.

“There’s enough doom and despair in the world as it is,” says Simone. “We want to bring beauty, expression and hope into the equation. There’s an alchemy there that can move mountains if we let it.”

Simone’s top tips for doing your own Take the Jump tarot reading:

  • Get to know the person you’re reading for, so you can tailor the conversation to who they are and where they are on their climate journey

  • Dive into your wardrobe and your local charity shop for a great outfit - this is theatre, so have fun with your look!

  • Take the opportunity to learn from the experience the person you’re reading for already has - this is a two-way conversation

  • The Tarot is a fantastic addition to any climate event -  fashion swaps, fundraisers, repair cafes and talks. So go ahead, download the cards and find your inner Tarot reader!




Shambhala here we come!