Even if you can’t keep to it 100% you can still take the JUMP
Even if you can’t keep to it 100% it's still an incredible impact to ‘take The JUMP’ and just do your best. You may already have a flight booked, or live in a remote area and need your own car. That’s ok, you can still take the JUMP and do your best. Avoid booking any more flights and try to minimise using the car. It can sometimes feel like the whole world is trying to prevent us from making these shifts. Relentless advertising, fast fashion, cheap flights, online shopping, cheap fried meat etc. If we’re not always perfect, that doesn’t mean we’ve failed. Learn what made keeping to the shift difficult, then keep trying.
If all six feel like too much, start with what you can and build from there. The science is clear we need to start changing things now. So it’s not about being perfect from the start, it's about starting at all.
Take the JUMP and do one thing to get you started: Maybe share that you’ve taken the JUMP on social media or make a connection with others taking the JUMP. There’s plenty of options and ideas in the Community Toolbox.