There are a whole bunch of ways existing groups and organisations can make use of the JUMP to help change the world and get ahead of the inevitable shifts that will be needed across society.
The JUMP is at its core just a set of insights, tools and actions that can be used by any individual or group of people. This includes those working, volunteering and collaborating as part of existing organisations.
Want to galvanise your community, giving people clear and powerful things to do, and the joy of knowing they’re really making a difference? Take the JUMP together.
Want to know what future customers will be asking for? Take the JUMP to find out.
Want to show the world your organisation is leading the way and walking the talk? Take the JUMP to prove it.
Want to show your staff your organization is doing its bit? Support them to take the JUMP.
Want to connect with a growing, truly 21st century and global environmental movement? Take the JUMP to connect.
Here’s some ideas, though it doesn’t need to be limited to this:
Invite members or staff in your organization themselves to take the JUMP as a group, to go on the journey and learn what the future looks like together. We’ve plenty of posters, content and tools to help.
Have someone from the JUMP come and talk to your organization about the JUMP, the science behind it and the tools available. If of interest, drop us a line at team@takethejump.org
Consider how your organization works to support or hinder people taking the JUMP and keeping to these six crucial shifts. Could you refine your activities to support the citizens of your area, or of the world, to make the shifts? For instance if you make food, focus on plant based, if you’re a company, offer staff options to avoid flying.
Hold a workshop, meeting or training session on how we can transform the world through action in our own lives and commnuities.
What types of organisations or groups are you talking about?
Any organisation can make use of the JUMP in its own way:
Local groups – campaign groups, neighbourhood groups, sustainability groups
Communities – Maybe just you and your friends in your neighbourhood.
Businesses – as a whole, or an office, department or team
NGO’s – Not for profits that are working to make the world better
Institutions – Schools, libraries etc.
“Taking the JUMP” is something we do as humans
Taking the JUMP is something that ultimately we do as individuals. We can come together as members of an organisation, and have the support of the organisation, but it’s as humans we do it.
This is because The JUMP is based on research that shows who the leading “influencers” are for the changes we need to save the planet. Whether its government, business or individuals. The six shifts that are the focus of the JUMP, are the things that come out top for individuals.
Business and governments have different focuses at the organisational level. Hence the JUMP is focused on what the people in your organisation can do to make the shifts, or how your organisation can help people broadly make the shifts.
If you are interested in what the research says about what, for instance, different industries need to do at the organisational level, feel free to get in touch at team@takethejump.org
It works to do it together
Taking the Jump is something that is always easier when done together. It’s more fun and more likely to work when we go on the journey with others because that support will make all the difference. The drivers to over consume often operate at the group level, through for instance social pressures and social rewards. Having a group to create a safe space really helps.