end clutter! at woking’s repair cafe
Everyone took a well-earned break to gather for this cheerful shot!
The incredible team at Woking Environment Action (WEACT) are bringing repair cafes to different locations across Woking every month. People bring a range of items including televisions, teddy bears, gardening tools, tables, clothing, radios and more. The fixers manage to repair over 70% of items which has so far saved over 3.7 tons of carbon emissions across the first 4 cafes they’ve run.
The atmosphere was warm and friendly with people chatting and eating cake whilst their items were mended. What’s more, WEACT are about to partner with a local Guides group to help young people learn these valuable mending skills. This was such an inspiring day and it was great to see so many people come together and lighten their impact on the planet, build community relationships and ease the pressure on their wallets too! Great work, Woking!