Check out our new ‘How-to’ guide for the END CLUTTER shift. It includes all the info on how to approach this in a step by step way, with resources, guides, tips, links and more.
What is end clutter?
Keep electronic products for at least 7 years.
Some of us have a smartphone and personal computer, and in some cases these are supplemented by a tablet, e-reader, smart-watch and other electronic items. We typically replace these products for an upgraded model at least every couple of years. And this expiry date extends to many more of the things we fill our lives and homes with. The target is to keep electronic products for 5-7 years - their full optimum lifetime. This applies to other belongings too. This will mean more repairing rather than replacing, and not succumbing to adverts that make you think you need the next new thing now!
WHILE TAKING THE JUMP: Try to keep the phone you have and avoid buying new electronic products!
Given that your initial jump is less than seven years, why not just try to avoid buying any new electronics over that period? Instead try to repair products, borrow them, rent them, buy second hand, or if you really need something then keep new items to a minimum.
Why end clutter?
Our addiction to gadgets, and buying ‘stuff’ in general, is another contributor to carbon emissions. The process of extracting rare earth metals and producing huge volumes of products generates a significant amount of emissions - often more than the emissions associated with the energy demand of using the product itself. For example, only 13% of the Apple iPhone 11 Pro’s lifetime emissions are actually to do with its use; the other 86% are associated with its production, transport and end-of-life processing.
How to end clutter?
Check out the ‘How-to’ guide for END CLUTTER!
It covers:
Step by step guide to END CLUTTER
Take it step by step
Start with the right approach
Connect with others for support
Having fun with END CLUTTER
Resources to help
TED talks
Here’s a sneak peak to whet your appetite…