Communicating WITH OTHERS

Are you having difficulty talking to friends and family about why you’re making sustainable changes in your life? Would you like to give a talk to your colleagues or a local group, and are wondering how to approach it? You’re not alone!

Many people Taking the Jump have reported that communicating with others can be difficult, and would like help talking to others about Taking the Jump in a positive way that leads to positive outcomes. Some would also like to be able to inspire and possibly support others to Take the Jump.

Below are some guides, resources and links to training to help with communicating. These resources can all be found on the Take the Jump HUB, as well as forums for sharing questions, ideas and experiences about communicating.


Take the Jump runs a regular free Ambassador Training course taking us through the whole process of how to communicate. It will give you all the tools you need to inspire and activate others to 'Take the Jump' and live with joy while protecting our beautiful earth. Including learning material and plenty of chance to practice.

It takes six weeks to complete and is online. Find out more here.

Communication guide

A set of guides and content to help you communicate with others in a way that minimises conflict, avoids shaming, and leaves everyone with a positive experience leading to positive outcomes. Covering why we communicate, principles, steps and FAQ’s.

How to use the guide: Read it, practice with friends or other people Taking the Jump, have another read, practice again, and then why not try talking to people you meet!

Here’s a little sneak peak of some of the content within this guide:


Check out the Resource Library for a range of resources that can help with communicating in different contexts. Including links, speeches, presentations, workshop guides and much more.